저작권 및 등록상표

  • Copyright 2020 NAVER Corp.

  • 본 사용설명서는 저작권법에 의해 보호받는 저작물입니다. 네이버의 동의 없이 일부 또는 전부를 무단으로 복제할 수 없습니다.

  • CLOVA Lamp, CLOVA Friends mini, CLOVA Friends Brown, CLOVA Friends Sally, CLOVA Friends Minions, Naver Music은 NAVER Corp.의 상표 입니다.

  • Android, Google, Play 스토어는 Google Inc.의 상표입니다.

  • Apple, iOS, App Store는 Apple Inc.의 상표입니다.

  • 기타 모든 상표 및 저작권은 해당 업체에 있습니다.

오픈소스 라이선스

This device may contain open source software.
To obtain the full list of licenses in use and the source code covered under licenses which have the obligation of publishing source code, please visit [https://github.com/clovadevice/friends]. If the source code cannot be found on our website, please contact opensource@navercorp.com. A complete corresponding source code may be obtained for a period of three years after our last shipment of this product by sending us an email or visiting our website. If you want to obtain a complete corresponding source code in the physical medium, the cost of physically performing source distribution may be charged.
This offer is valid to anyone in receipt of this information.